Welcome to SketchyPromise.com
Are you looking for pictures!? www.leahsmalley.com
I offer a variety of photographic services including but not limited to:
Horse Show and Clinic coverage - always taken by me and never outsourced to a "non-horse" photographer
If you have any questions or would like to schedule your horse show or private shoot, please don't hesitate to contact me anytime.
eeeah@aol.com or (765) 425-9503 (call or text) Type your paragraph here.
Coventry Equestrian Team
Tip Verifications email to eeeah@aol.com
Required information: Name/Date of show, TIP or OSHA verification form - completed and signed by show secretary, copies of dressage tests if applicable (back side with score and signatures.)
You can find the TIP verification form HERE.
Once we have this paperwork uploaded you can submit your online results on the TJCTIP website and include your page link for verification.